Missions & Offerings
Local Missions
Crop Walk
This mission event is held in October each year. Latrobe Presbyterian Church members walk and obtain sponsors to raise money for the local food bank.
Laurel Area Faith in Action
Laurel Area Faith in Action (FIA) is an independent, interfaith volunteer community ministry (501 c 3) with its office located here at the Latrobe Presbyterian Church. Its mission is to “enhance the quality of life for persons 60 years and older who reside in the Greater Latrobe, Ligonier and Derry areas by providing companionship and assistance.” FIA offers errands, transportation, friendly visits, caregiver relief and other similar services to eligible recipients. LPC members and the community at large are encouraged to volunteer.
Greater Latrobe Caring Program
This program provides shoes, boots, eyeglasses, clothing, medication, and medical and dental care for needy children in the Greater Latrobe School District.
Deacons Special Service Fund
Every third Sunday, a deacon leads our prayers in worship and the cash offering is designated for the use of the deacons in providing aid to members and others.
Latrobe Food Bank
Each month members donate food and paper products, as well as work to distribute food to those in need in our community.
Meals on Wheels
Latrobe Presbyterian Church members bake cookies, make sandwiches, and distribute meals several times a year.
Pine Springs Camp
The Presbytery of Redstone's camp is located just outside Jennerstown. Many of our youth attend camps there. Over the years our church has held work camps at Pine Springs and members have given generously to special fund drives for this facility.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Latrobe Presbyterian Church has participated in the education and training of young people for the future of our church through its grants to the Vogelsang Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Redstone Highlands
This is the closest retirement/nursing home of our denomination in our area. Some of our members are residents of the facility. We support them with visits and prayers. Many Latrobe Presbyterian Church members serve as volunteers at the home.
Union Mission
Latrobe Presbyterian Church provides financial support to this men's homeless shelter in Latrobe, the only one in Westmoreland County. Several members are also active on the Union Mission board.
National & Global
Lily of the Valley Church
Latrobe Presbyterian Church supports this congregation located in Agua Prieta, Mexico, financially through gifts and hands-on by sending members on mission trips.
Mission Treasury
The money from our church pledge is split three ways:
* General Assembly
* Synod of the Trinity
* Redstone Presbytery
These Presbyterian Church (USA) bodies use our gifts for many mission projects.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Emergency grants are made as needs arise throughout the nation and the world.
Special Offerings
Two Cents A Meal
Latrobe Presbyterian Church members are encouraged to put 2 cents aside for each meal, each day of the year. This offering is given to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund.
Blanket & Tool Kit Sunday
Latrobe Presbyterian Church members donate in honor or memory of their mothers and/or fathers. Blankets and tools are purchased and distributed through Church World Service.
One Great Hour of Sharing (more info)
One-third of this offering goes to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund, 1/3 to Self-Development of People, 1/3 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Pentecost Offering (more info)
This offering benefits children at risk, youth, and young adults who need financial assistance.
Peacemaking Offering (more info)
Received on World Communion Sunday, 25% of this offering is designated for local peacemaking projects.
Christmas Joy Offering (more info)
This contribution helps retired church workers and Presbyterian ethnic colleges.